
what is ram

RAM (Random Access Memory) is an electronic device of computer hardware, called temporary memory. The current data and program applications in the operating system depend on RAM. Apart from the temporary memory, the data is stored temporarily, which cannot be permanent without saving. While doing continuous work in laptop or desktop, the data is lost when there is a direct shutdown. Most of the software, applications in offline are not able to store in the history in the desktop. If viewed online, the current data is saved in video, audio, application, browser etc.

Computer (What is a Computer)

The current data in the temporary memory is lost or when the system is rebooted, the data is not saved. Conversely, the data is permanently stored in the permanent memory so that you can input and exit. This device can be used for long time which is hard drive disk (hdd), solid state disk (ssd) storage device. The operating system is installed in the c partition of this storage device. The application installed in the system is stored in RAM memory. The more computer memory, the faster the operating system.

When you check the operating Windows (OS) in the computer, then you can check the RAM. Ram’s is more than 4G then you should use 64bit in Windows. When you save text documents, files, videos, photos etc. on the screen of the desktop, then they are saved on the RAM memory. Save the monitor data in permanent memory ie d or e drive. For the speed of the laptop system, you should not save the document on the screen. Give maximum free space to Ram. The speed of pc computer is based on ram and ssd harddisk. By installing both ram and ssd harddisk in computer you can double the speed of system.Ram’s (device) is temporary memory.

what is memory ram

When you turn off the computer, the RAM loses the data. As a result, data remains in RAM as long as the computer is turned on and is lost when the computer is turned off. The advantage of loading data into RAM is that reading data from RAM is much faster than writing data to RAM.

RAM is analogous to a person’s short term memory, while hard drive storage is analogous to a person’s long term memory. Short term memory remembers things for a short period of time, whereas long term memory remembers for a long period of time.

When the RAM in a computer fills up, the processor goes to the hard disc to overwrite the old data in RAM with new data. RAM can be in the form of a single chip mounted on the motherboard or several chips on a small board connected to the motherboard. It is a computer’s primary memory. When compared to other types of memory, such as a hard disc drive (HDD), solid-state drive (SSD), optical drive, and so on, it is faster to write to and read from.

what is rom in computer

Along with random access memory, it is a computer’s primary memory unit (RAM). It is referred to as read-only memory because we can only read the programmes and data stored on it and not write to it. It can only read words that are permanently stored within the unit. This is called read only memory . At the time of creation of ROM, the program fills the ROM. After that, the ROM’s content cannot be altered, which means it cannot be reprogrammed, rewritten, or erased later. However, some types of ROM allow you to change the data.

Special internal electronic fuses in.ROM can be programmed for a specific interconnection pattern (information). Once established, the pattern (information) remains within the unit even when the power is turned off. As a result, it is a non-volatile memory because it retains information even when the power is turned off or the computer is shut down.

Data that is permanently stored on personal computers and other electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, televisions, air conditioners, and so on is also an example of ROM.

When you turn on your computer, for example, the screen does not appear immediately. It takes some time to appear because there are startup instructions stored in ROM that are required to boot the computer. The booting process’s job is to start the computer. It instals the operating system into your computer’s main memory (RAM). The BIOS programme, which is also present in the computer memory (ROM), is used by the computer’s microprocessor to begin the booting process. It enables you to open the computer and connects it to the operating system.

History of RAM:

The Williams tube was the first type of RAM to be introduced in 1947. It was used in CRTs, and the data was stored as electrically charged spots on the face.
The magnetic-core memory, which was invented in 1947, was the second type of RAM. It was made of tiny metal rings with wires connecting them. A ring contains a single bit of data that can be accessed at any time.

Robert Dennard invented RAM, also known as solid-state memory, at IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center in 1968. It is known as dynamic random access memory (DRAM) and uses transistors to store data bits. To keep each transistor in its current state, a constant supply of power was required.

what is difference between ram and rom

The distinction between RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory) is discussed in depth here. RAM is a type of computer memory that can be read and written in any order, and is commonly used to store working data and machine code. Non-volatile memory (ROM) is a type of memory found in computers and other electronic devices.

Let us understand Ram and Rom through the below picture.

what is ram

difference between ram and rom

1.Random Access Mamory.Read only Mamory.
2.Temporary storage.Permanent storage .
3.Store data in Very low GBs.Store data in Very highest GBs.
5.Used in normal operations.Used for startup process of computer.
6.Writing data is faster . Writing data is slower.
Ram and Rom