Shipra Dictionary is most popular dictionary in India which translates from English to Hindi, it is very simple and extraordinary. Shipra Dictionary( is a very small program that easily types and gets the result. You can easily learn Hindi from English translation, the symbol of Shipra Dictionary(download) is very simple. It gives easily meaning words of English in Hindi translation. When you type a word in English in the search, you get sleepy words with all meanings of A, then you have to click on the mouse. Shipra dictionary hindi download.
You can find the commonly used Hindi meaning of any English dictionary with its large database of more than 22600 English words with many Hindi meanings. This is very simple and easy to use dictionary that you can download for free. It is very easy to find the meaning of an English word in Hindi even if you have to be precise because you can easily search the time in short and you can choose the right one from the short list. If you search something other than English words, then you will not get Hindi translation or if you search any negative word then you will not get result.

When you use Shipra Dictionary (hindi download), you will see two types of interface in front of you, you can type the English meaning word in the search box above the left site, which you want to know in Hindi, and you will see the interface of the right words type below and then you will see below. You can see in Hindi translation. If you search from A, then you see many meaning words from A together. You can download the free dictionary by clicking on the given download button. Despite its simple design and limited features, it is a free and easy-to-use application.
shipra dictionary hindi download details
File name-shipra dictionary OSRequirement-windows xp/windows8/windows10 Langause-English To Hindi License-Free Doveloper-Shipra dictionary File size-24.9MB