Intel ARC Driver

Intel ARC Hopes To Solve Arc woes with Driver Update

Intel has continued to pray with its Arc Alchemist graphics card, but it will be safe in the upcoming driver updates. intel ARC driver could provide enough performance gains to sustain the company’s hopes of surviving in the graphics market for a while.

The Intel ARC GPU line has numerous incompatibilities and driver issues, and it performs poorly on DirectX 9. Intel appears to have identified and resolved the source of the performance bottleneck, which will be the subject of a major driver update in the near future.

Significant changes to the company’s Graphics control software are also possible. The update should improve Arc Alchemist’s performance in games that use all graphics APIs. The patch comes after  December update that addressed the GPU line’s major shortcomings with DirectX 9 titles.

    The Intel Arch is not too late, but time is running out. The Intel Arch appears to have been struggling for months, so there’s reason to be sceptical about how much of a difference this driver update will make.

Intel ARC most recent earnings call did not inspire market confidence, and Intel will be under intense pressure to increase earnings in the coming year. Intel’s discrete graphics unit has already been targeted, as the company’s significant investment has resulted in the company failing to launch a flagship Graphics card capable of competing with AMD and Nvidia.

Intel’s inefficient graphics unit is already getting in the Crosshairs as the company’s considerable investment has resulted in not releasing a flagship graphics card that can compete with the likes of AMD and Nvidia.

This is good news for users as both MD and Nvidia are thinking that costlier GPUs are the way forward.

Source : Intel® Arc™ Graphics Products

  • Intel Arc Control GPU software gets ‘standalone desktop mode’
  • Halo Infinite (DX12) may display color corruption during gameplay.
  • Sea of Thieves (DX11) may experience color corruption at water edges.
  • Windows UAC Admin is required to install and launch Arc Control.
  • The live performance monitoring page may not implement the desired removal of some performance metric tiles.
  • The resizable bar position may display incorrect values on systems with multiple Intel® graphics adapters.
  • Using Arc Control Studio Capture with some games may incorrectly generate multiple video files.

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