Jio Meta Reels
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Jio Meta Reels Platform Introduces; Preparations are underway for the launch of Jio Short Video Apps

Jio Meta Reels are in progress which will be available to watch soon  and is going to be presented with a great experience. On the contrary, whatever platform apps are there, it is going to compete with them. However, with the launch of this app, there is a lot of promise to see changes in the market, let’s wait patiently.  Here many social media platforms are going to see changes from icon to privacy policy.

Jio is preparing for the future of Meta Reels platform by launching , in which you can enjoy short videos. This apps is being launched by Reliance Jio, it is expected to perform the same video functionality as Reels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Creative island  Asia has collaborated with Jio Platforms Limited to launch “Platform,” a short video app for entertainers. The app is geared toward “Star Entertainers,” with an ecosystem designed for organic growth and consistent monetization. This app is for all creators, actors, musicians, dancers, comedians, fashion designers, and anyone else who wishes to be a cultural influencer.

Now Jio users can watch videos like YouTube. In this users are going to get different features like users can create videos and share them. About this app, you can enjoy online live IPL matches, movies, short videos and web shows.

Jio has not yet revealed the streaming service of Meta Reels Video, but its preparations have been completed. Jio shared with Rolling Stone India and Creative Island Asia. However, Jio Apps is not live for everyone.

Special Features of Jio App

Jio app will not give importance to Meta Reels short videos for paid promotion. It will work on organic traffic. There will be silver, blue or red tick verification on the app. The content in this will be user friendly and will not be done as paid promotion. On the Creators Profile, there will be a BOOK NOW button. Premium verification will be granted to creators, who will be able to monetize themselves through in-app bookings.

jio meta reels app can be launched by january 2023

This app is being informed that it will be launched by January 2023, testing (beta) of this app is going on. This platform will be open to all creators, including singers, musicians, actors, comedians, and fashion designers. Jio short video will go live in Jan 2023.